Polish English Germany



PPHU Bednarek Company is a producer and an exporter of fresh champignons with many years of experience. The company promoters were Dorota and Władysław Bednarek, who had started as pioneers of farming white champignons in region in the eighties. In 2006 the company had diversified the activity and created transport services. In 2008 Bednarek's son-Damian took charge of the family interest.

Knowing the growth industry the new owner focused on halls' modernisation and the modern farming's technology. In 2010 company was starting convert in mechanical loading compost. The production of champignons changed from II phase to III phase of compost. As a result of that change the champignons' production increased and their quality was getting better and better. It's all to make the most demanding clients satisfied. Monthly production amounts 80-100 tons. At the beginning the company was working only on the internal market with Polish agents. Due to them champignons from Włoszakowice were sending to markets in Poland and in Western Europe. Since January 2003 the company started also cooperation with foreing partners.

PPHU Bednarek assures customers fresh, white and the highest quality champignons. We have own transport.